
cop a sqWHAT?!

GOD is in the details....

FIG. 1
zhuhai toilet

This was a toilet we ran into at a Chinese foot massage parlor. Needless to say, had I ate my fried noodles with
the chilli pepper sauce this would not have been the best prospect for the task at hand.

NOTE: The fruit flys hanging around the hole of this toilet are not visible due to the shady gutter this stall was in.
Yeah you heard right. Its a stall. So while also hoping you don't get fecal matter on your nice Parish denim, you
have to wave chanting "OPP" fruit flys from holes they should have no business around. GOOD LUCK!!!

FIG. 2
best toilet ever

This is the toilet God made for heaven. However, some assnut of a twat thought it best to put one in a ktv bar.

NOTE: The control panel to the side of this marvelous porcelain throne. It has a remarkable water pressure valve
for freshness, a perfectly gauged tropical seat heater, and a precise blow valve to rid you of any unwanted dingle
berries that may be hanging around the nether regions.

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